President of FIEEC*, Pierre Gattaz sees a convergence in the vehicle between energy and electronics
CESA congress will give the opportunity to show how France and Europe can take the lead in the future, despite a very hard economic period. Automotive new trends are clearly electrification and intelligence on board.
The car of tomorrow will be a smartphone on wheels, communicating with other vehicles and with the infrastructure. It will be safer, cleaner and much more comfortable.
We, at FIEEC, consider there is a real convergence coming on in the vehicle.
Not only the car of the future will be intelligent and energy efficient, thanks to sensors on board, but the road will be intelligent too. With an infrastructure able to communicate information, Europe could save lives and money. If we consider road accidents in France only, 4000 people are killed and 80 000 are injured, for a cost of 25 bn euro yearly. Connected cars could help society.
The next step is also autonomous driving It’s technically feasible. However, the regulations don’t allow these technologies and insurance companies are not ready yet to approve driverless cars on the roads.
At FIEEC, we gather companies such as Schneider and Legrand in the field of electrification, or Thales and STMicroelectronics for electronics. It helps to have a forward thinking and we participate to high level meetings. For instance, our federation has been involved in the creation of PFA (automotive platform), in order to restablish french automotive industry after 2008 crisis. We are also a member of CLIFA (French committee of automotive suppliers).
Europe and France have a strong basis and a real know how to face coming challenges concerning energy, mobility and safety. The aim is relocate jobs and to give our industry a real advantage.
*Federation of electric, electronics and communication industries
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